
bryan wilson

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My research focus, broadly speaking is Computational Law. What I mean by that is that most of the topics I have written about and presented on are in some way related to the idea that thinking about law as a technology in its own right (thinking about law as something that is in itself computable) will lead to improved understanding of what the law says, improved access to law and legal services, and improved user experience for all stakeholders. As a result, the topics I have written are diverse and include a number of different (non-traditional) subjects and disciplines.

📚 publications

2024 A Constant,… B Wilson, … “A Path Towards Legal Autonomy: An interoperable and explainable approach to extracting, transforming, loading and computing legal information using large language models, expert systems and Bayesian networks” ArXiv Preprint

2022 B Wilson, et al. “Taxonomy of Tokens - Upside eBook

2022 E Ferrer, … B Wilson, … “Self-employment for autonomous robots using smart contracts” ArXiv Preprint

2021 - M Ma, B Wilson “The Legislative Recipe: Syntax for Machine-Readable Legislation” Northwestern Journal of Technology and Intellectual Property

2021 - B Wilson, E Absher “Reimagining Rent: From Analog to Computational Tokenization of Community Equity Interests” PrePrint on ResearchGate

2020 - M Ganado, J Ellul, G Pace, S Tendon, B Wilson, “Mapping the Future of Legal Personality” MIT Computational Law Report

2020 - D Greenwood, G Nadeau, P Tsormpatzoudi, B Wilson, J Saviano, A Pentland, “COVID-19 Contact Tracing Privacy Principles” MIT Computational Law Report

2020 - R Raskar, … B Wilson, … “COVID-19 Contact-Tracing Mobile Apps: Evaluation and Assessment for Decision Makers” arXiv

2019 - B Wilson “Blockchain and the Law of the Cat: What Cryptokitties Might Teach” 88 UMKC L. Rev. 365

2018 - B Wilson “Five Steps for Using Legal Data to Improve Legal Drafting” Towards Data Science

2017 - B Wilson, S Cali “Smart Cities, Smarter Regulations: The Case for Algorithmic Regulation of the Sharing Economy” 83 UMKC L. Rev. 4

selected presentations, workshops, lectures

2023 Real Estate Tokenization: Unlocking Value for Investors & Developers Upside Webinar

2023 The Untapped Potential of Security Tokens Upside Webinar

2021 Climate Change and New Technologies: Aligning Public Administration and Social Activation around Decentralized Local and Global Solutions Context setting: Computational Law, Public Administration, and Blockchain Law and Policy

2020 UN World Data Forum Measuring & Combatting Modern Slavery with Data-Driven Solutions

2020 ABA Business Law Section Virtual Annual Meeting (legal) moonshots

2020 RadicalxChange Multiplying Utopias

2020 Earth 2030 @ CodeX Future Law Blockchain Ethics Panel

2020 ATIS Time and Money at the New York Stock Exchange Legal Aspects of DLT

2019 MIT Media Lab Symposium on Blockchain, Robotics, and AI Automated Legal Entities

2019 Block (Legal) Tech at Chicago Kent School of Law Building for Law

2019 Forbes presents Imagination in Action How Cryptokitties Might Information the Infrastructure for Computational Law

2019 RelativityFest Interoperable Legal Apps and Services

2018 University College London Hack the Law

2018 ABA Annual Meeting Fellows Spotlight

2018 BSides KC Computational Law Village

2018 UMKC Busines Law Association Keeping Business Out of Court: Emerging Compliance Opportunities for Lawyers

2017 KC Cyber Security Conference Moving from IT Security to Enterprise Risk Management

2017 RelativityFest Spokesperson Bootcamp: Grow Your Thought Leadership Through Media Interviews

2017 BSides KC The Symbiotic Relationship of Information Security and Cyber Insurance